
The empty noise on social media

The war for attention is real, and it's brutal. Players who think they control the game are played by bigger players. And for what? For ad revenue. Companies like facebook, Google, & Co don't care what they have to do to maximise profit. If we spend more time on their sites (increasing our exposure to […]

How social media makes lonely

Is it true? Social media makes lonely? But, perhaps not? John joined Facebook in 2011. He was a guy who never had a ton of friends but Facebook changed that. John now has over 700 friends. Every time he posts something many people like and share his posts. So much love for John. Patricia lives […]

Why we fall for fake news and how to spot them

Why it's easy to fall for fake news Only others fall for fake news. Illiterate people, fans of conspiracy theories and especially people with a different political opinion. Ain't that right? Psychological studies conclude that we are more credulous than we think. Did you ever fall for fake news? Research shows its simple to brainwash […]

Facebook - Woman Facing Jail Time For Ceviche

Hate speech and trolls on Facebook Facebook is for many, including myself, a synonym for negativity. Mark Zuckerberg and other top managers have just been sued by Germany for their refusal to delete illegal content. Even if users or victims report hate speech several times, Facebook refuses to remove the content from its site. Therefore, […]

Why we stopped posting relationship pictures

One could think that only two kinds of users exist on the internet: The ones that take us to their bedroom, offer intimate insights into their relationships and love life (and don´t forget the family vacation) - and those who are tired of just that. Who can hold it against them? Nobody knows who might […]